Compared to many countries Cyprus has flexible property buying procedures. People of Cypriot origin and EU citizens are allowed to purchase however much property they choose. A non-EU citizen is entitled to FREEHOLD ownership of a villa, apartment, or a piece of land of up to 4,014 m2. International business units may also acquire premises for their activities or for residence of their foreign employees.
We will help you secure financing for your real estate needs. Our close connections and professional relations with many financial institutions allows us to recommend the most suitable Cyprus Banks for your needs even if its for investment or purchasing a home for your family.
The legal system in Cyprus is modelled on the British system due to its colonial legacy. In addition, with EU membership, Cyprus has harmonized its laws and regulations in line with the acquis communautaire. In effect, this means that EU citizens can now buy more than one property in Cyprus.
The Land Registry system is one of the most advanced and reliable systems in the world, being based on the British equivalent. Purchasers of property in Cyprus will be far more secure with regards to matters such as title deeds than they might be in other Mediterranean countries. All legal information regarding the legal procedures associated with purchasing property in Cyprus is available from the Leptos Estates Legal Department.
Our professional relations with local law firms will help you take care of all your needs whether you are buying or selling a property in Cyprus. Expertly, without fuss, efficiently and most of all in a professional manner.
Most of the firms we recommend come with several years of experience in the field, and extensive work with large clients ensure your proper legal protection. We are happy to assist you. Simply contact us!